Chippewa Lutheran Church was formed in 1881. Our Mission Statement is
"Reaching our Community for Christ." Our theme verse is Isaia 6:8: "Here am I,
send me." Our Sunday worship service is at 10:45 a.m. We celebrate Communion on
the first Sunday of each month. Morning worship is followed by coffee
fellowship. Sunday School, which is during the school year is for all ages and
begins at 10:30 a.m. Our confirmation instruction is during the Sunday School
hour and is for students who are in the eighth and ninth grades. Our Women's
Missions Federation (which serves the women of our congregation with a program
of Bible Study and missions emphasis) meets quarterly. Priscilla Circle meets
the fourth Monday of each month. Our youth group fellowships together two to
three times a month.
We believe the Bible to be the true, inspired, infallible and inerrant
Word of God. We hold that the Bible, as a whole and in all its parts, is the
true Word of God, regardless of man's attitude toward it. We also administer
the Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper. It is our desire at Chippewa
Lutheran Church to be faithful to Jesus Christ and obedient to His Word. It is
with thankful hearts that we give Him the glory for His help
We are a member of the Association of Free Lutheran Congregations. We
are not a synod but an association of free and living congregations. Our AFLC's
headquarters, seminary and three-year Bible School are located at 3110 East
Medicine Lake Blvd. in Minneapolis, MN. The congregations are independent but
work together in such endeavors as home and foreign missions. We seek to
promote the evangelical understanding of the Scriptures and stress a personal
relationship with Jesus Christ.