History of Trinity Lutheran Church
The congregation of Trinity Lutheran, located in
Holmes City, has been sharing the spirit for 135 years. The first years, early
settlers gathered for worship in homes and under the shade of
Meetings and services were also held in the Mill Lake
and Holmes City schoolhouses. For some time, the congregation was known as den
Svenska Evangeliska Lutherska forsamlingen I Lekvatten. The pastor's salary was
$500 annually.
The present church was constructed in 1890 for
$1,146.43. Those who settled in this area were poor and annual dues to the
congregation were small. Each confirmed member was asked to pay $2.30 with a
dollar less for girls under age 18. This was given in two
A parsonage was built in 1893 and served as home to
several pastors and their families until 1954 when a new parsonage was built.
The name of the church changed to Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church in
Over the years, the congregation has had a steady
growth of members. There have been improvements to the building, including a
lit cross in 1987. The sanctuary was enhanced with the addition of stained
glass windows
Most recently, the building was resided, the
sanctuary, narthex and bathrooms were redecorated, new carpets were laid in the
basement and a handicapped accessible ramp was installed. In Spring of 2011 the
congregation will be building an addition on the north side of the church.
Church activities include a monthly community coffee
from April to December, WELCA, Sunday School and Vacation Bible School shared
with Oscar Lake, the Chili Cook Off, annual Pork Chop Supper in June, two Bible
Study groups which meet monthly, a Hand Bell Choir with Oscar Lake, a yearly
Youth Parish Auction with Oscar Lake, and Quilting in the winter.