Trinity Lutheran Church of Cyrus was officially
organized on October 16, 1968 although incorporation papers were not filed with
the state until November, 1968, and its first joint worship service and
congregational meeting were not until January. 1969. Trinity was formed by the
merger of three older congregations: St. Petri Free Lutheran (formed in 1883),
Scandia Free Lutheran (formed in 1889), and Cyrus Lutheran (formed in 1884 and
joined by Scandia Lutheran [ELC] in 1953). Herman Rosholt, Fred Tinseth, Earl
Ettesvold, Martin Estenson, Palmer Barsness and Gerald Wiger volunteered to act
as incorporators of the new congregation. A name committee, consisting of
Marion Hill, Thora Tollefson, and Helen Ettesvold, reported that
Trinity was the most suggested name mentioned in a poll of all
members of the three predecessor congregations. Therefore Trinity
Lutheran Church of Cyrus became the official name of the new
The first officers of the church, elected July 26,
1968 were: Herman Rosholt, president; Gerald Wiger, vice-president; and Earl
Ettesvold, secretary.
1969 The first joint worship service and annual
meeting was held on January 18th, at the Cyrus School Auditorium with Dr. E. A.
Hansen, the president of the SW Minnesota District of the American Lutheran
Church, presiding. Congregational officers elected were: Gerald Wiger,
president; Charles Bright, vice-president; Jere Ettesvold, secretary; Curtis
Gunvalson was appointed financial secretary and Mrs. Sigvald Berg, treasurer.
The Rev. Robert E. Crofton was officially called as the congregations
first pastor on June 19th although he had served the congregation since its
1969-1972 The people worshipped at two
locationsTrinity East (the former Cyrus Lutheran Church and Trinity West
(the former St. Petri Lutheran Church).
1972 In January, all worship services were moved to
the Trinity East site and the former St. Petri Church became a youth center and
eventually a Senior Citizens Center until it was dismantled in 1982.
Trinity becomes the first congregation in the area to have early communion for
fifth graders. The Rev. John R, Maim was installed on July 2, as the second
pastor of the congregation.
1973 An architect was hired to draw up plans for a
new narthex on the front of the church and a new upper addition to the
education unit.
1974 Construction on the narthex, second floor of the
education unit, and a remodeled nave was begun. Worship was held in the Cyrus
School Auditorium.
1975 The first service in the remodeled sanctuary
was on Easter Sunday. The new units and remodeling was officially dedicated on
August 24th. From March through August, the Trinity ALCW paneled, painted, and
carpeted the basement fellowship hall and redecorated and installed new
flooring in the kitchen. The Trinity West site was sold to the Senior Citizens
of Cyrus for use as a meeting hall and activities center.
1976 The congregation on November 28th voted to give
twenty feet of its parking lot to the Cyrus Café in exchange for the
landscaping, blacktopping, and lighting of its remaining parking
1977 The congregations constitution was revised
and updated.
1979 Eva Pederson retired as church organist on
October 1st after 56 years of service to Trinity and the former St. Petri
Lutheran Church. She is replaced by Phyllis Helgerson and Gorden Thompson. The
permanent use of lay readers in the worship service is introduced.
1981 The mortgage for the 1974-75 addition to the
church is burned on July
1982 The Rev. Marlan M. Johnson becomes the third
pastor of Trinity on April 25th. A member of the congregation, Lyle Hansen,
builds the new free standing altar for the sanctuary. New paraments, utilizing
various traditional forms of stitchery, are begun to be made by members of the
1984 A new organ is dedicated on January 15th and
cushions for the church pews are purchased.
1986 Gordon J. Straw, son of Doris and Tom Straw, is
the first son of the congregation to be ordained into the ministry on July
1987 On January 18th it was voted to approve the
church merger which formed the Evangelical Lutheran Church (ELCA). The merger
was finalized with the ratification of a new constitution on January 15, 1989.
1989 A new public address system is installed and
the church sanctuary and basement is installed with air conditioning, The Rev.
John P. Smith is installed as the fourth pastor of Trinity on September
1990 The congregation begins supporting Dr. Mark
& Linda Jacobson, medical missionaries in Arusha, Tanzania. A closed
circuit television system is installed in the church to enable those unable to
climb the stairs to still participate in worship services.
1992 The congregation approves an elevator and
building project. Ground breaking for this project was held on October 15th.
The churchs first pictorial directory is completed.
1993 Ribbon cutting and the first official use of
the elevator occurs on March 14th. The dedication of the elevator and office
addition is held on March 28 with the Rev. Charles Anderson, Bishop of
the SW Minnesota Synod of the ELCA, presiding. The Trinity Lutheran Church
women hold their 25th annual Fall Bazaar on October 23rd.. The confirmation
mentoring program is introduced
1994 The addition to the Cyrus South cemetery is
finalized and is dedicated on October 9th. The celebration of Holy Communion is
changed from once a month to twice a month plus on holidays. Trinity becomes
one of the founding congregations of the Pope County Free Thanksgiving Meal and
immediately becomes known for supplying its lefse and a majority of the
1999 A new Congregational Mission Statement with
goals is accepted with changes to the churchs constitution at the January
24 annual meeting. The congregations second pictorial directory is
completed. The Godly Women Out of History Group is organized and begins
presenting its original program written and directed by Marcella Hansen to
neighboring congregations. |